

Notes to consider from Board Training on Behaviour Management September 2018

In the case of a suspension meeting:
Principal = prosecutor, Family = defence, Board = Judge and Jury. It is part of the judicial system.
The board could delegate a sub-committee to do it if it chose.
Looking into delegations for doing stand-downs.
Stand-down starts the next day. Board needs to know how many stand-downs are happening but so as to not
identify the child they could be reported in July and December.
Our Relationship management plan shows the full process of our behaviour management and all the levels
that are gone through before reaching standdown. Ministry guidelines and good practice for standdown,
suspension and exclusion are included in our plan.

After further discussion with NZSTA regarding delegations, the following needs to be considered:

  • The Board should formally delegate authority to the principal to do stand-downs and suspensions.

In our first meeting of the year the board delegated day to day management to the principal (parameters on the blog).  We should add stand-down and suspension to that authority.

  • Only the principal can do standdowns and suspensions.  That authority cannot be delegated further.  NZSTA were very firm about that.

  • We discussed when someone is acting principal - its not when the principal is off site for a few days or on a course etc.  The DPs job description sets out the delegation:
Deputise for the principal in the principal’s absence.
And: To step up as acting principal in the case of the principal’s indisposure or absence for two or more weeks.

In the second situation the DP then becomes the acting principal with full authority of the principal and no further delegation required.

In our AP's job description: The AP needs to be able to support the DP when she is Acting Principal and deputises in the absence of the principal and DP, as required.  If the principal and the DP were indisposed and/or both absent for two or more weeks, the board would be more likely to consider a broader field of potential acting principals, which may include the AP.

St Joseph’s Governance Policy

These governance policies outline how the board will operate and set standards and performance expectations that create the basis for the board to monitor and evaluate performance as part of its ongoing monitoring and review cycle. (See 3 year review programme).

1. Board Roles and Responsibilities Policy

The board of trustees’ key areas of contribution are focused on four outcome areas:

Employer Role

The board
The Standards
1. Protects the Catholic special character of the school.
1.1 Special character is obviously considered in all board decisions
1.2 Special character report is included at every board meeting
2. Sets the strategic direction and long-term plans and monitors the board’s progress against them
2.1 The board leads the annual charter/strategic plan review process
2.2 The board sets/reviews the strategic aims by the first meeting of the year
2.3 The board approves the annual plan and targets and ensures the charter/strategic plan is submitted to the Ministry of Education (MoE) by 1 March each year
2.4 Regular board meetings include a report on progress towards achieving strategic aims
2.5 The charter/strategic plan is the basis for all board decision making
3. Monitors and evaluates student progress and achievement
3.1 The board approves an annual review schedule covering curriculum and student progress and achievement reports  
3.2 Reports at each regular board meeting, from principal, on progress against annual plan, highlight risk/success
3.3 Targets in the annual plan are met, the curriculum policy is implemented and there is satisfactory performance of curriculum priorities
4. Appoints, assesses the performance of and supports the principal
4.1 Principal’s performance management system in place and implemented
5. Approves the budget and monitors financial management of the school
5.1 Budget approved by the first meeting each year
5.2 Satisfactory performance of school against budget
6. Effectively manages risk
6.1 The board has an effective governance model in place
6.2 The board remains briefed on internal/external risk environments and takes action where necessary
6.3 The board identifies 'trouble spots' in statements of audit and takes action if necessary
6.4 The board ensures the principal reports on all potential and real risks when appropriate and takes appropriate action
7. Ensures compliance with legal requirements
7.1 New members have read and understood the governance framework including policies, the school charter, board induction pack and requirements and expectations of board members
7.2 New and continuing members are kept aware of any changes in legal and reporting requirements for the school. Board has sought appropriate advice when necessary
7.3 Accurate minutes of all board meetings, approved by board and signed by chair
7.4 Individual staff/student matters are always discussed in public excluded session
7.5 Board meetings have a quorum
8. Ensures trustees attend board meetings and take an active role
8.1 Board meetings are effectively run
8.2 Trustees attend board meetings having read board papers and reports and are ready to discuss them
8.3 Attendance at 80% of meetings (min.)
8.4 No unexplained absences at board meetings (3 consecutive absences without prior leave result in immediate step down) Refer Education Act 1989, s104 (1) (c)
9. Approves major policies and programme initiatives
9.1 Approve extraordinary programme initiatives as per policies
9.2 The board monitors implementation of programme initiatives
10. Fulfils the intent of the Treaty of Waitangi by valuing and reflecting New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage
10.1 The Treaty of Waitangi is obviously considered in board decisions
10.2 The board, principal and staff are culturally responsive and inclusive
11. Approves and monitors human resource policy/procedures which ensures effective practice and contribute to its responsibilities as a good employer
11.1 Becomes and remains familiar with the broad employment conditions which cover employees (i.e. Staff employment agreements and arrangements)
11.2 Ensures there are personnel policies in place and that they are adhered to e.g. Code of Conduct
11.3 Ensures there is ongoing monitoring and review of all personnel policies
12. Deals with disputes and conflicts referred to the board as per the school’s concerns and complaints procedures
12.1 Successful resolution of any disputes and conflicts referred
13. Represents the school in a positive, professional manner
13.1 Code of behaviour adhered to
14. Oversees, conserves and enhances the resource base
14.1 Property/resources meet the needs of the student achievement aims
15. Effectively hands over governance to new board/trustees at election time
15.1 New trustees provided with governance manual and induction
15.2 New trustees fully briefed and able to participate following attendance at an orientation programme
15.3 Appropriate delegations are in place as per Schedule 6 (17) of the Education Act
15.3 Board and trustees participate in appropriate professional development
Review schedule: Triennially
St Joseph’s Trustees’ Code of Behaviour Policy
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Code of Ethics for teachers and baords of Catholic Schools

The board is committed to ethical conduct in all areas of its responsibilities and authority. Trustees shall:

  1. Maintain and understand the values and goals of the school
  2. Protect the Catholic special character of the school
  3. Ensure the needs of all students and their achievement is paramount
  4. Be loyal to the school and its mission
  5. Publicly represent the school in a positive manner
  6. Respect the integrity of the principal and staff
  7. Observe the confidentiality of non-public information acquired in their role as a trustee
  8. Be diligent and attend board meetings prepared for full and appropriate participation in decision making
  9. Ensure that individual trustees do not act independently of the board’s decisions
  10. Speak with one voice through its adopted policies and ensure that any disagreements with the board’s stance are resolved within the board
  11. Avoid any conflicts of interest with respect to their fiduciary responsibility
  12. Recognise the lack of authority in any individual trustee or committee/working party of the board in any interaction with the principal or staff
  13. Recognise that only the chair (working within the board’s agreed chair role description or delegation) or a delegate working under written delegation, can speak for the board
  14. Continually self-monitor their individual performance as trustees against policies and any other current board evaluation tools
  15. Be available to undertake appropriate professional development

I, ____________________, have read and understood this Code of Behaviour Policy and agree to follow and abide by it to the best of my ability.



Review schedule: Triennially

St Joseph’s Conflict of Interest Policy
To be read in conjunction with main financial conflict of interest policy

The standard of behaviour expected at St Joseph’s School is that all staff and board members effectively manage conflicts of interest between the interests of the school on one hand, and personal, professional, and business interests on the other. This includes managing potential and actual conflicts of interest, as well as perceptions of conflicts of interest.

The purposes of this policy are to protect the integrity of the school decision-making process, to ensure confidence in the school’s ability to protect the integrity and reputations of board members and meet legislative requirements. Upon or before election or appointment, each person will make a full, written disclosure of interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. This written disclosure will be kept on file and will be updated as appropriate.

In the course of board meetings, board members will disclose any interests in a transaction or decision where their family, and/or partner, employer, or close associates will receive a benefit or gain. After disclosure, the person making the disclosure will be asked to leave the meeting for the discussion and will not be permitted to vote on the question.

Review schedule: Triennially

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